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PROJECT: Multi CMM Laboratory


Caterpillar, Joliet determined that there was a need to move a number of high accuracy CMM machines and other sensitive measurement processes into a more centrally located area in the facility. CES, working with our associates at Laboratory Consultants, were selected to provide a Turnkey Design/Build installation of the Lab to the Caterpillar Specification.


caterpillar CMM Enclosure
Project Challenge

Other than the shear size of the enclosure which houses multiple CMM’s and two crane rail systems with multiple bridges for heavy parts handling, Caterpillar had some very specific requirements for equipment and controls in the laboratory. The importance of this lab in supporting the manufacturing process is so great that a totally redundant environmental control system was deemed necessary.



The pictures tell the story of the volume of space that is maintained to the specifications below. The lab features dual HVAC systems and controls with an automatic switch over between the systems for total redundancy should one go down or drop out of spec for some reason. Our clean room construction team implemented a WEC wall system provided uniform air return using an internal integral return air panel design. In this manner the return air provides additional insulation by removing any heat transmitted through the panels and returning it to the HVAC system.


Design Parameters

– Temperature: 68F +/- 0.5F
(+/- 0.25F within Measurement Volume)
– Relative Humidity: 40% +/- 5%
– Cleanliness: ISO 7 (Class 10,0000)
– Enclosure Size: 66′ x 48′ x 15′

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